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Written For A Woman Looking To Ignite A Romantic Desire In The Man Of Their Choice...

“New Book Reveals A Counterintuitive Way To Make Him Love You Back & Have Him Finally Commit To A Serious Relationship Nearly Instantly"

Works Every Time - Even If He’s Ignoring You, Not Responding To Your Texts, Or Sending You Mixed Signals

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What is The Book of Love?
The Book Of Love is a book designed to give you everything you need to make any man fall in love and have you become his only obsession...

In The Book Of Love, you’ll learn about the Commitment Formula and you’ll discover why certain things you are doing are actually pushing him away. I’ll show you how to attract him and turn on your man’s “Love Switch”...and before long he will be asking YOU to commit to HIM.
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The Book Of Love is a Shortcut
Before I created the Book Of Love system - I was constantly getting asked by my women, how do I get my man to commit to me? How do I get him to finally want a relationship

And it wasn’t until I stumbled upon an unlikely situation that I finally found the answer…

This led me to question everything I knew about relationships. Once I discovered this, what I normally thought was impossible, was now happening like clockwork. 

Women who were in a desperate relationship, whose men were distant and ignoring them, were suddenly able to ignite a burning desire in their man… A desire so powerful it completely awakened their relationship. Within just a few days of learning how to decode their man’s heart, they had him wrapped around their finger, having him begging for a serious relationship.

And in many cases this ended up with the man dropping down on one knee… asking for her hand in marriage…

Now, you have the opportunity to learn what I discovered and how to apply it to your relationship today by downloading a $27 ebook called the The Book of Love.


The Book Of Love eBook 

150+ page eBook where you learn the secrets of how to have him begging for a serious relationship with YOU.
3 FREE Bonuses

Mixed Signals Cure

Frustrated with mixed signals? Learn how to end mixed signals once and for all. Never have your man go “hot and cold” again. Now, he will always be “hot” for you.

Social Media Subtle Seduction

This has nothing to do with you posting inappropriate or sexy photos. In fact, it's the opposite. This subtle technique will make him focus on you and only you.

“The Talk” Scripts & Guidelines

This script will give you crystal clarity on how to have “the talk.” Now, have HIM be the one that is asking for your commitment and not the other way around.
  How to unlock his heart and so realizes you’re the one for him…(When my clients start this process it’s very common for their man to suddenly start texting them out of the blue all day long) 
(All explained on page 69)…
  The 3 common things that you are doing that are pushing your man away (most women don’t even realize they are doing this and it’s killing your relationship) 
(Unlock his heart on page 27)…
  How to use the “Love Quiz” to discover where everything has gone wrong in your relationship in a matter of minutes (this allow you to focus on the most important things to get your man loving you back in the fastest time possible)
(Find out on page 25)...
 You’ll discover why certain things you’re doing are actually destroying your relationship with him. 
(Discover this on page 31)…
  How to make him start pursuing you like the prize that you are (and even when he commits to you he won’t let up because he can’t risk losing you)
(Step by step on page 58)…
  How to embody the Pedestal Principle (and when you do this don’t be surprised when he starts the day with good morning texts, telling you how much he misses you)
(Embody this on page 61)… 
  Why his interest completely falls off a cliff at certain moments for no clear reason and how to fix it (you’ll learn how some of your best intentions are pushing him away without you even knowing) 
(Find out why on page 51)…
  How to turn on his “Chase Instinct” which will have him begging for your love and attention (once you do this you’ll become the “Queen” of his life)
(Turn on his “Chase Instinct” on page 65)… 
And so much more!
Rachel S.
Julliete R.

As Seen On...

Dear Reader
From: The laptop of Antonio Borrello
Re: Your love life (and the only way to the love you truly deserve)
Surprised to see that I’m practically giving away my life’s work for just $27?

I thought you might be...

Would it surprise you even more to learn that I have been helping thousands of women all across the world…

From women whose relationships seemed hopeless…

Women whose men were distant, withdrawn, and fading away…

Or women who found “the one” but didn’t know how to make him feel the same way...

I’ve been able to help them to ignite a burning desire in the man of their choice…

A desire so powerful it completely awakened their relationship…

Causing their man to make them the #1 priority in their life.

And when done correctly it will cause any man to pursue you...

And chase you like never before…

And commit his whole heart to you and nobody else.

I’ve seen it time and time again…

Even if he’s ignoring your texts...not answering your phone calls…

Even if he has other women sending him messages on social media.

All these other women will just fade out into the background because the only woman he’ll care about is YOU.

And in many cases...he may even get down on one knee...


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 
so let me prove it to you
But first, let me make something clear:
99% of women will never find this out.

Because most men hide these secrets from women.

But when you do this right…
He will become addicted to you.
He will crave spending time with you and no other woman.
And that’s why you need to pay close attention...because right now…
I’m going to reveal a “secret love chemical” in the male mind...
That 98% of women....have never heard of...
The few who know it...
Understand that whether you trigger this “secret chemical” or not...
Will decide if a man’s going to be with you...or dump you...
Will passionately love you...

Or leave you...
Discover how triggering this chemical will turn him on to you…
And he won’t even know why....
But suddenly... he just won't be able to get you off of his mind...
He’ll become almost desperate to get close to you...
Ready and eager to bend over backwards to please you...
He’ll be stuck like crazy glue...on you...and only you...
And he will have no choice in the matter.
Because every urge in his body will be screaming...that “He just can’t live without you.”
Like Ashley…
Who was getting mixed signals from Conner but when she used my steps he started to pursue her like never before…

Sending her good morning texts and going above and beyond to show he cared…

Scheduling dates all weekend with her…
Or Stephanie…
Who went from “never going on a single proper date” with her boyfriend…

To have Michael insist they start going on dates… 

Referring to her as his girlfriend and…

Even changing his Facebook status from “Single” to “In A Relationship.”

And that all happened in just a few weeks after using my methods.

And right now, if you’re reading this it’s likely because...

You found the man of your dreams and you started investing in a relationship 

but it’s all one-sided… 

His time and attention seems to be fading by the minute 
and everything you do seems to make it worse.
And now you’re stuck wondering...
“Why won’t he just commit to me?”

“Why won’t he just commit to me?”

“Why isn’t he responding to my texts or phone calls?”

“Why isn’t he responding to my texts or phone calls?”

“Why does he say he wants to be with me...but then doesn’t show it”

“Why does he say he wants to be with me...but then doesn’t show it”

“Why can't things go back to the way they were when we first met?”

“Why can't things go back to the way they were when we first met?”

And maybe you feel like...
  • You are always worried that your man is hiding something… You just can’t fully trust that he will always be faithful.. 
  • You feel like you’ve tried everything to get your man to commit to a real relationship, but he just won’t do it.
  • And you feel like you wish you had real communication in the relationship…
  • ​You crave a real, lasting connection and want to stop worrying about him looking for the next best thing.
  • ​And most importantly...maybe you feel like you wish you had more self-confidence or self-love so you could make him chase you and not the other way around
  • You are always worried that your man is hiding something… You just can’t fully trust that he will always be faithful.. 
  • You feel like you’ve tried everything to get your man to commit to a real relationship, but he just won’t do it.
  • And you feel like you wish you had real communication in the relationship…
  • ​You crave a real, lasting connection and want to stop worrying about him looking for the next best thing.
  • ​And most importantly...maybe you feel like you wish you had more self-confidence or self-love so you could make him chase you and not the other way around
And if you’re feeling any of those things…

I completely understand where you’re coming from…

And I’ve worked with hundreds of women who have been in your exact same shoes.
But fortunately, I know how to solve your problem…
I’ve done it time and time again.
Women who follow what I say and learn what you’re about to learn, tell me...
“I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders...:”
“I feel like I've been given the world’s most valuable gift.”
Because knowing how to trigger “the Love Chemical”... will give you joy and power like you’ve never experienced in your life before.
Really imagine how it will feel...
Imagine being able to whip up such raging desire in him for you… that he literally can’t stand it...
To have a man in your life...who surprises you with chocolate at you as many massages as you want… and sends you messages just when you’re thinking of him…
A man who carries you in his arms...into a candle lit room with a scented bubble bath....gazes deeply into your eyes and says “I can’t explain what it is about you, but I just can’t stop loving you”.
A man who has a healthy addiction to you...that he can’t explain, can’t control and doesn’t want to stop.
And a man who commits to you...forever...from the depths of his mind, body and soul...
You can stop imagining now... because that’s about to become very real for you....
Because if you don’t know who I am, my name is Dr. Antonio Borrello.

I’m a psychologist and a relationship coach and I’ve been helping women like you for over a decade.

If you’ve my relationship articles on the Huffington Post, then you know how passionate I am about helping people build great relationships.  

And, as a psychologist and relationship therapist, my dating and relationship advice is not theory…

It’s not opinion…

My advice is always based on the latest psychological science and my years of practice as a psychologist and relationship therapist.

Individually or through my writings and videos, I have helped thousands of people create the loving relationships of their dreams.  

And that’s why I want to talk to you about...
The 3 Hidden Steps To Make Him Love You Back
And Have Him Thinking About You And Only You...

And I put these Three Simple Steps into something I call...

“The Book Of Love"
This is something that took me years to refine…

And it’s based off of bio-psychology and what I call the brain’s “Love Chemical”

And the truth is...most men don’t even know this…
And if they did they would never tell you.
Because when you put this into action…

You’ll never go another day waking up feeling depressed because he doesn’t text you…

Or call to say goodnight…

You’ll never feel like he just isn’t putting in effort ever again...

You’ll never have to worry about seeing his eyes drift to other women while you are on a date with him...

And you’ll never have to worry about “losing” him or worry about having the opportunity to be with “the one” slip through your fingers…

And the reason why I want you to take this so seriously is because...

I believe finding lifelong love is one of the most important things in our lives...

And this could be the last chance you have to find the man of your dreams…

More and more women are ending up single and alone…

and I don’t want you to have to experience the same. 

Starting a family and having a loving long term relationship is something that everyone should experience...

I never want you to feel like…
“I missed the opportunity
 to be with the man who was
 so perfect for me.”
And that is why The Book Of Love is so important.

If the man is right for you…

Then this will work. 

In fact, in all my years of counseling women to get the man of their dreams…

If the man was right for them…
I’ve never seen it not work.
Now, there is one more thing I want to make perfectly clear to you...

If you’ve tried in the past to get your man to fully commit to your relationship…

And if it just didn’t work because… Maybe he ignored you…

Or just said he “loves you” but he’s not “in love” with you…

Or maybe he said he just wants to keep things simple, nothing serious.

Whatever he said.

It doesn’t matter.

If you’ve tried before to get him to commit and it didn’t work...that’s ok.

Because the secrets that I’m going to teach you…

are going to have him commit naturally...all on his own.

Without it looking like you're doing anything.
And maybe you’re thinking…

“How do I know this will work with my man?” 

“Everybody is different...this can’t work for every man, can it?”

Well here’s the thing…

Yes all men are different in some ways.

But they all have ONE thing in common.
They can ALL fall in love.
And I’m not talking about theory here.

I’ve studied the literature on what “love” is…
And it all comes down to neurotransmitters,
The chemicals in the brain...
And when a man experiences the release of a certain combination of neurotransmitters…

The result is ALWAYS the same...

He will fall in love and commit to you.

It’s kinda like a “commitment cocktail” that happens in the brain. 

And when you activate this part of a man’s brain…

You can bet there will be no more guessing games…

No more wondering what exactly he is doing or feeling. 

Your relationship will be effortless…

And keeping him invested and committed to you will be automatic.

And don’t just take my word for it…

I’ve worked with 100s of women directly and thousands through my videos…

Like Sarah who started to use my method to get her man to miss her…

to fear losing her…

and become obsessed with her…

After she started working with me…

Joe started to appreciate Sarah the way she had always wanted

He teased her about wanting 4 children and 2 dogs

And within 3 months, Joe proposed to Sarah while on a Valentine’s Day vacation in Aruba.

All because of all my step by step process…

Or Jennifer…

Who reached out to me because her man was ignoring her and showing her no signs of his love…

To having her man, Jacob, chase after her, sending her good morning texts…

Telling her he misses her, calling her at night…
And before long, they too got engaged.

In fact, this couple is now happily married.
Time and time again...I’ve seen women get the man of their dreams by simply changing one or two things…

What I teach women is extremely easy and very simple to do…

In fact, anyone can do this.

And there’s absolutely no reason why this won’t work for you.
You might be wondering… 

“How did you figure out how to get any man to commit to his woman?”

Even though I’ve personally helped hundreds of women directly 

and thousands through my videos to get the relationship of their dreams...

The truth is…

I didn’t always have it all figured out.

You see several years ago I was a brand new psychologist and marriage therapist

and had just been married in a fairytale like wedding in the Vatican.  

When my wife and I returned home from Italy we bought our dream home together 

and decided we wanted to immediately start a family. 
And that’s where the fairytale ended and real life began…
For several years, Theresa and I tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant. 

Month after month, disappointment after disappointment 

Eventually we decided to seek the assistance of fertility specialists and we began a series of IVF procedures.  

After 2 miscarriages and 10 IVF procedures... 

we were blessed with two beautiful children…

But infertility treatment can be tough on a marriage… 

It takes something beautiful.. conceiving a child and turns it into a series of highly stressful clinical procedures...

And that can really take a toll on a couples intimacy and marriage.  

And it certainly took a toll on our marriage. 

And after years of conflict, fighting, and therapy… 

It was clear that a divorce was inevitable.  

I remember thinking...  

This has got to be one of the worst days of my life.  

I felt like I couldn’t even be a psychologist anymore…

Like I couldn’t help anyone with their relationship since mine fell apart…

I was just ready to give up.

My whole world was turned upside down and I've sunk into a deep depression.

I was going to stop counseling altogether and just focus on academics and teaching psychology at the university.

But then one of my good friends came to me.

She was asking for help getting over her ex-boyfriends…

You see, she had been in a relationship that wasn't good for her and she realized she needed to move on...

But she felt like she couldn’ was too painful to lose him.

She would tell me things like...

“I can’t stop thinking about him…”

“Everything I do reminds me of him and it’s just making it worse.”

“I feel like I’ll never be happy again.”

So although I was almost ready to stop working as a relationship coach 

I figured I could still help my friend get over her ex.

So we started having some calls and I basically ended up giving her three simple steps.

I knew that if she did these three things…

She would be able to get over him and start feeling happy again and eventually...

She could start looking for the right guy for her.
So I helped her and within a couple weeks she had her vibrant smile back. 
She was over her guy and she was starting to feel happy again.

And that's when something weird happened...

This guy that was completely ignoring her…

Treating her like crap... 

And basically taking advantage of her…

The guy that she wanted to get over...

Started to take notice.

He started to text her.

He started to call her.

He watched her instagram stories and started to comment on her pictures...

And before long he even showed up at her house... 

Asking for her to take him back.

It was so bizarre... 

But she was still moving on.

A couple days later she referred me to one of her friends who was having a similar problem...

And I helped her friend get over her ex
That's what I remembered about the love chemicals…
You see there are certain neurotransmitters in our brain that cause us to experience the reaction of love.

And the truth is…

Guys aren't in control of when these neurotransmitters go off…

These love chemicals are completely involuntary…

They don’t decide who they’re going to fall in love with... it just happens.

And I realized what was going on...

I realized that these women were triggering these love chemicals in their man’s brain…

Causing them to get addicted to these women...

Causing them to miss these women.

Causing them to realize how valuable these women were to them...

And finally causing them to appreciate these women for everything that they brought into their lives.
Ultimately, it was causing them to realize that they wanted to have a committed relationship.
Learn How To Trigger These Love Chemicals And Make Him Fall In Love 
So as I was finally starting to understand what was happening…

Could this really work to get any guy to commit to you?

Could this really be the secret to take any relationship to the next level?

And could this really be the secret to finally have a man appreciate you and make you his number one priority?

A few days later another woman came to me needing help…

But this time she wasn't asking to get over her ex.

This time she was asking for a way to get her man to finally commit to her.

She wanted a serious relationship…
And that's when I had an epiphany…
You see I had this idea…

What if I instructed her to do exactly what these other women, who were trying to get over their ex, were doing?

What if I gave her the same three simple steps that caused those other men 

to start chasing and pursuing the woman they had been pushing away…

So that's exactly what I did. 

And the results were unbelievable…

Her man came running back to her..

She had him wrapped around her finger in less than 7 days. 

That's when I knew I had finally figured this out…
I had cracked the code.
And that’s when my Book of Love was created.

And then I kept doing this with woman after woman who needed my help to get their men to commit.

And the results were always the same.

You see, the reason why this works so well…

Is because of this.

Men are predictable…

And if you follow these steps...
Then I can practically guarantee your man is going to come running back to you…
And after years of helping women get the long-term relationship of their dreams…

I was finally able to pinpoint the process down into three main steps.

So right now...let’s talk about what those three main steps are.
Step #1: Make Him Miss You
In this step, it’s about getting him to pursue you and not the other way around.

Think about it...what do you do when the wind takes your hat and blows it down the street? 

You chase after it, right? 

Now, even though it is the most common response, it is also the very worst thing you can do.   

You can not pursue your man. He has to pursue you.

In fact, I believe it is one of the biggest mistakes that a woman can make.
Yet I see it happening every day…many many times a day and sadly, it never works with men. 
Remember, He’s a man and from both an evolutionary perspective as well as from a cultural perspective, men are prepared to pursue women in the courting process… 
They are not prepared to be pursued by women. 
Think about it...boys are taught that they are supposed to show interest, they are taught to ask girls to dance, to ask for their number, and to ask them on a date and so on.    

Men are the hunters, the ones who pursue and compete with the other men, for your attention and affection.

It’s ingrained into the deepest parts of the brain, it’s an evolutionary response to millions of years of competing with other species’ for survival.  

And this response, that’s deep in a man’s brain, is what you need to trigger in this stage.

Learn How To Make Him Miss
 You In The Book Of Love
Step #2: Make Him Addicted To You
Now in order to get him addicted there is an exact step-by-step process you need to follow.

And one of the key principles here is what I call, “The Pedestal Principle.”

Using the pedestal principle means that you are going to give yourself uncritical respect and acceptance. You are going to treat yourself in an ideal way…you’re going to put yourself first and prioritize yourself above all. 
You’ll do this in a confident and self loving way. 

You must treat yourself as if you believe that you are the prize. 

I know this is sounding philosophical here but this one is the most important and without it, the other steps won’t really work.  

And, don’t worry, even if you don’t feel like the prize right now, I’m going to show you how to “fake it until you make it”.
When you use the pedestal principle he’s going to take notice.. and your value in his eyes will go up.. as will the challenge.. so he will be wanting you more than ever.
And that’s when he'll become addicted.
Learn How To Get Him Addicted 
In Book of Love
Step 3: Make Him Fall In Love...
& Commit To You
The last step is the most important to master.
You will use what I call “The Indifference Method” to subtly trigger feelings in your man

That will cause him to do everything in his power to have you...

When you trigger these feelings in a man, it’s very common for him to realize how much you mean to him…

To finally appreciate you the way you deserve…

And most important, to love you fully…

And he will make a serious and lasting commitment to you and only you.

And when that happens…

He will feel like it was all his idea.
And once he feels it as his idea...then he's yours.

And that's the big secret. 
Learn How To Trigger The Feelings Of Love In The Book Of Love
Ever since I created this method I’ve been able to help thousands of women through my trainings…

And the best part is getting texts like this.

“Thank you Antonio! I’m so glad I listened to your advice. I can’t explain how great our relationship has become. I think he’s going to propose.” 
Taryn S. Toronto, Canada

“Antonio, Thank you for all of your help! It’s like he’s a different man. I trust him 100%”  
Jamie W. Chicago, Il

“Thank you Dr. Borrello - Without your help, I don’t think my relationship would have lasted another month. But now we are more in love than ever.”
Natalie M. Florence, Italy

And many of the women who once thought it was hopeless to get their man to fully commit to them…

Are now married and have a happy family together.

Here’s another example of one of my clients Kirsten…

Her man was hot and cold, off and on. And he didn’t want “anything serious.”
After she used my’s what happened.
That’s the power of this method. 

So right now you might be thinking…

“This sounds amazing...this is exactly what I want him to do.”

“I want him to miss me, chase me, and love me…

But I just don’t know where to get started…”

And that's ok.

I know all of this can be a little confusing at first.

Maybe you just wish you had someone who could guide you through this...

So you can be sure...he’s going to love you back the way you desire…
And if that’s you then I want to ask you if it’s ok if I share a special offer
 I made for you.

You see, over the past few months I’ve been thinking about this a lot.

There’s so many women who are asking for my help…

And although I try to work with a few of them on a one-on-one basis…

There’s only so many hours in a day.

So I decided, what if I could make this information and my coaching accessible to everyone…

What if I could help any woman who needed it?

So that’s why I decided to make something special for you…

And today… I’d like to introduce my new book...

The Book Of Love
In The Book Of Love you’re going to learn everything you need to know about...
How To Have The Man Of Your Choice Desire You... 

Miss You...

 Become Addicted To You...

 And Ultimately...

Fall In Love With You
All of this is revealed in the 150+ page Book Of Love ebook in step-by-step detail.

But you’ll also learn how to KEEP that man long he forms a real, lasting commitment to you.

And that's not all, because...

Here's what else you're going to discover in The Book Of Love eBook.

How to unlock his desire so he starts pursuing you like the prize that you are. (When my clients start this process it’s very common for their man to suddenly start texting them out of the blue all day long…)

You’ll discover why certain things you are doing are actually destroying your relationship with him and the 3 common things that you are doing that is pushing your man away (most women don’t even realize they are doing this and it’s killing your relationship)  

How to embody the Pedestal Principle and become the Queen of his life (once you do this he will look at you like you’re the only woman in the world). You’ll also learn how to turn on his “Chase Instinct” which will have him begging for your love and attention...

You’ll learn the ‘Active Journal Method’ which will allow your man to open up to you with his deepest secrets and desires so that you no longer have any doubt about where you stand or what you mean to him. 

How to tap into his tidal wave of emotions inside of him so that he becomes obsessed with being around you and thinking about you at every waking moment. 

You’ll also learn about “The Abundance Method” which will show you how to set boundaries so that you can not only be a great partner but not be defined by the relationship. You’ll uncover the abundance of self-confidence that is inside of you in 3 easy steps so he chases you and not the other way around.

How to “flip the switch” and make him realize that committing to you is the right decision without you ever asking…(Over my years of counseling, I’ve seen this work on ALL types of men, it doesn’t matter who they are or where they come from…)

And so much more (that’s just the tip of the iceberg)!
And Before You Download 
The Book Of Love… 

I Want You To Know That
 There's No Catch!
I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

So what’s the “catch”…?

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.
This isn't one of them. 
There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I just want to give you this entire book, for $27, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it, get massive value, and maybe want to work with me directly.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I was planning on selling this book for $47, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.

Which would make it much more difficult to help more people.

Then I decided to sell The Book Of Love for $37 as an eBook. 

But then I realized hey - this is an eBook it doesn't cost me anything to to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.

By lowering the price to $27 it allows me to impact more people and help them have the relationship they truly deserve and desire.

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $21.00 in advertising expenses to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to work with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, and it will have such an impact on your love life and'll call and ask to take additional trainings or work with me directly in the future. 

Pretty straightforward.

But - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting A Recording Of a Live 90-Minute Coaching Call. ​In this exclusive live recording, watch me reveal why these men weren’t committing and how these women should fix it.

Plus I’m also including these 3 amazing bonuses valued at $691
Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's ...

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

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With your permission..I’d like to ask you to join me on the other side of the heartache...
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Dr. Antonio Borrello
P.S. Remember, The Book Of Love comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

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Here's What's Included In The Book
  How to unlock his heart and so realizes you’re the one for him…(When my clients start this process it’s very common for their man to suddenly start texting them out of the blue all day long)

(All explained on page 69)…
  The 3 common things that you are doing that are pushing your man away (most women don’t even realize they are doing this and it’s killing your relationship) 

(Unlock his heart on page 27)…
  How to use the “Love Quiz” to discover where everything has gone wrong in your relationship in a matter of minutes (this allow you to focus on the most important things to get your man loving you back in the fastest time possible)

(Find out on page 25)...
 You’ll discover why certain things you’re doing are actually destroying your relationship with him. 

(Discover this on page 31)…
  How to make him start pursuing you like the prize that you are (and even when he commits to you he won’t let up because he can’t risk losing you)

(Step by step on page 58)…
  How to embody the Pedestal Principle (and when you do this don’t be surprised when he starts the day with good morning texts, telling you how much he misses you)

(Embody this on page 61)… 
  Why his interest completely falls off a cliff at certain moments for no clear reason and how to fix it (you’ll learn how some of your best intentions are pushing him away without you even knowing) 

(Find out why on page 51)…
  How to turn on his “Chase Instinct” which will have him begging for your love and attention (once you do this you’ll become the “Queen” of his life)

(Turn on his “Chase Instinct” on page 65)… 
  How to get him afraid of losing you (over my years of counseling, I’ve seen this work on ALL types of men, it doesn’t matter who they are or where they come from…this will work on your man)

(Learn how on page 71)… 
  Learn the exact words to say that will bring out that fiery desire in his eyes again. 

(Get the exact words on page 108)…
  How to make him comfortable in sharing what is really on his mind and what he needs to take your relationship to the next level without you even having to ask

(Find out what’s on his mind on page 98)…
  I’ll share the ‘Active Journal Method’ which will allow your man to open up to you with his deepest secrets and desires so that you no longer have any doubt about where you stand or what you mean to him. 

(Get him to open up on page 106)…
  How to tap into the tidal wave of emotions inside of him so that he becomes obsessed with being around you and thinking about you at every waking moment. 

(Tap into his emotions on page 89)…
 How to “Flip The Switch” and make him realize that committing to you is the right decision without you ever asking…(Do this right and he will be begging for YOU to commit to HIM)

("Flip The Switch" on page 78)…
  How to make sure your man never goes back to his old behavior…(What would be the point of this if you got your man to commit but then goes right back to his old ways after a week or two, you’ll learn how to prevent that here)

(Lock in his commitment on page 84)...
  How to keep him infatuated and in love with you every single day (This will allow you to capture your man’s heart for good and finally have the long-term, serious relationship you always deserved)

(Keep him infatuated on page 94)…
  You’ll uncover the abundance of self-confidence that is inside of you in 3 easy steps so he chases you and not the other way around. (you’ll also learn about “The Abundance Method” which will show you how to set boundaries so that you can not only be a great partner but not be defined by the relationship)

(Uncover abundance on page 111)…
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Mixed Signals Cure

Frustrated with mixed signals? Learn how to end mixed signals once and for all. Never have your man go “hot and cold” again. Now, he will always be “hot” for you.

Social Media Subtle Seduction

This has nothing to do with you posting inappropriate or sexy photos. In fact, it's the opposite. This subtle technique will make him focus on you and only you.

“The Talk” Scripts & Guidelines

This script will give you crystal clarity on how to have “the talk.” Now, have HIM be the one that is asking for your commitment and not the other way around.
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Bonus #1

Mixed Signals Cure

Frustrated with mixed signals? Learn how to end mixed signals once and for all. Never have your man go “hot and cold” again. Now, he will always be “hot” for you. 
Bonus #2

Social Media Subtle Seduction

This has nothing to do with you posting inappropriate or sexy photos. In fact, it's the opposite. This subtle technique will make him focus on you and only you.
Bonus #3

“The Talk” Scripts & Guidelines

This script will give you crystal clarity on how to have “the talk.” Now, have HIM be the one that is asking for your commitment and not the other way around.
The Book

The Book Of Love eBook 

150+ page eBook where you learn the secrets of how to have him begging for a serious relationship with YOU.
Bonus #1

Text Message Magic

Copy and paste text templates to jumpstart your relationship and grab your man’s attention. These are messages you’d never think to send...but work like magic.
Bonus #2

Social Media Subtle Seduction

This has nothing to do with you posting inappropriate or sexy photos. In fact, it's the opposite. This subtle technique will make him focus on you and only you.
Bonus #3

“The Talk” Scripts & Guidelines

This script will give you crystal clarity on how to have “the talk.” Now, have HIM be the one that is asking for your commitment and not the other way around.
Only $27 Today
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